
Custom LEGO Accessory of the Week - Wooden Spikes

Posted by Merrie on 23rd Apr 2018

Do you believe in Lizard People? Apparently some 12 million Americans do! If you count yourself among those eccentric minds, you may want to invest in one of these nifty custom LEGO accessories. Wooden Spikes are a true multipurpose tool: weapon, capturing device, or our personal favorite- mobile throne. You see, when attached to the back of Lizardman Armor, these spikes add not only a threatening vibe, but a uniquely boastful one too. For reference, just look up the ruff fashioned by Queen Elizabeth I. With a creepy, white face like that, she was clearly among the first Lizard People. Okay, enough conspiracy theories for today, just go get one of these bad boys and add some major drama to your Lizard People now!

Custom LEGO Accessory

WARNING - Choking Hazard, Small Pieces. Not for children under 3.