
Custom LEGO Accessory Spotlight - Cornu

19th Oct 2015

BR-BR-BRR-BRRR! Here come the Romans! This week's Custom LEGO Accessory Spotlight is on one of the instruments in the BrickWarriors orchestra, the Cornu. A Roman stable, the Cornu was used to score the soundtrack to games and gladiator combat, such as BW's very own original board game, Chains to Champions. Of course, these instrumentalists wouldn't be official without their traditional Roman Helmet, and in case their instruments aren't in tune, they carry a Pugio to ward off hecklers. Outfit a complete Legionnaire today and see if you can rewrite history and prevent the fall of the Roman empire!

Custom LEGO Accessory Spotlight - Cornu

WARNING - Choking Hazard, Small Pieces. Not for children under 3.