LEGO MOC of the Week - Prepare for Ambush!
Posted by Merrie on 12th Oct 2017
The Japanese are coming! But the enemy doesn't know...yet. Five soldiers are shrouded in vines awaiting the exact right moment to ambush the enemy. Silently on lookout, they know the can't proceed until all conditions are just right. After cutting through the barbed wire fencing with his wire cutters, he scopes out the enemy's camp with his binoculars. To the general's side two soldiers keep watch for any nefarious activity; their rifles stand tall and ready for a battle. First in line are the bravest soldiers responsible for the ambush- the machine gun operators! Their hats obscure their faces as they focus on the enemy ahead. They better keep their heads down and their hands steady. The ambush begins in 5...4...3...2..